This visually rich and imaginative animated short film in the popular brief history style so beloved of attention deficit and time-starved digital consumers places skateboarding’s relatively short history in cultural context through a mesmerising assortment of layered animation techniques. While the storytelling is concise and compact, the canvas is saturated & heavily suffused with bold graphic imagery, archive footage, wit, irony and occasional sideways glances at American political moments which share nothing in common with skateboarding developments other than their respective dates. A neon, fluorescent, pop art look referencing street art & graffitti, (close cousins of skating), adds an indelible, eye-popping penetration to the viewer’s mind. A gravelly & laconic voiceover by the iconic voice of Brazilian actor Phil Miler counterpoints the fast-paced and vivid journey from the 1960’s onwards. The clever, 4th wall sound design by Caico Teixeira offers a series of enjoyable combination punches to each ear. We saw this as part of L.I.A.F’s documentary strand at the Barbican where our film Sophie’s Story was also showing and it seemed a suitable diving off point into the otherwise quite serious genre – as the first film in the programme. Very watchable
Direction & Animation: Antonio Vicentini
Art Direction: David Galasse
Additional art: Antonio Vicentini
Script: Antonio Vicentini, Henry Gosuen, John Diazz
Script was based on the informative article by Steve Cave
Sound Design: Caco Teixeira, Antonio Vicentini
Voice Talent: Phil Miler
Credit’s song: One Less Scumbag
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