This entertaining & thought provoking animated short by Anna Ginsberg explores the subject of female sexual pleasure or lack thereof. Interviews with friends, colleagues and random strangers provide a lively soundtrack edited into themed chapters. Brave, witty and at the same time, quite serious in its intent, the film is a winner combining humour, talking genitals and anonymous sexual insights.
Another interesting film I saw at Anim’est in Bucharest was the charming stop-motion film, Made in Spain by Coke Rioboo. Using tiny railway model people, Coke constructs a playful version of a day in the life of Spain, exploring elements of bureaucracy, religion, bullfighting and of course the complex culture of the beach. It’s an abstract film with no dialogue which makes it even more captivating.
Korea has long a history of producing high quality and entertaining films. This excellent short film written, directed and animated by Kyungmin Woo @ Alfredimageworks has so many good points I’m not even going to describe it here. Just watch it ! Inspirational animated storytelling with style and wit.
“It’s 2150
There are all sorts of Aliens living throughout space.