A Huge Thank You to all of the sponsors, who have given their support to the trip in their own individual ways, whether through the loan or donation of equipment, supplies or help with accomodation along the way.. Without you all,
this trip would be very difficult. It's great to know so many people have put their faith in the Captain, Finlay and the boat, Zuma !!
Also a big Thanks to everyone who has donated towards the charity campaign.. The fund is well underway and has reached four figures with just a few days to go until departure.
Zuma will be proudly displaying all of the logos
on each side of her hull for the duration of the trip, which will make her stand out on every leg of the journey, allowing members of the public and other sailors (and of course the local and national press) to see and further publicise the massive support the trip has been given by everyone involved. scroll down to see Zuma with full compliment of sponsor logos..
Crohns & Colitis UK, which is the target charity have kindly given Zuma their own logos in the form of banners which will also be proudly displayed on Zuma along the way; showing everyone what the trip is all about and helping raise awareness about Crohns disease as intended.
And Finally but by no means least, the logo of Shroomstudio.com who have put the website together will be sitting alongside the Captain in the cockpit for good luck !
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